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Bluestone School

by Georgia Jackson

Junior PINS

Georgia Jackson - October 21, 2019

Passions and Interests

Today the students from Creative Creatures have participated in a fun afternoon of activities and trying something new.  There were a wide variety of activities on offer from wood work, baking, photography, music and roller skating to knitting and crafts. Each student was able to pick an activity to take part in for the afternoon. We were lucky enough to have some parents and grandparents offer up their time to come along and share their passions with the students as well staff creating a variety of exciting activities to expose the students to a variety of experiences.  The students have had to use a variety of key competencies to be a part of these activities such as managing self, participating and contributing, thinking and relating to others, this ties in as an extension of our Discovery Learning program that the students participate in throughout the year.  The students all went back to their classrooms buzzing about what they had done during the afternoon, it was fabulous to hear all of the stories and see their faces so excited about the learning that they had been doing.  A big thank you to parents, grandparents and staff who helped to make this happen for our students and who gave up their time.