Hero photograph
Photo by Ian Poulter

Bluestone students at TTEC

Ian Poulter —

Each week Year 7&8 students attend the Timaru Technology Education Centre. Now you can view what they are doing online!

At TTEC our students are learning about Biotechnology, Food Technology, Materials Technology, Textiles Technology, Structures & Mechanisms, and Electronics & Control. Students follow a Design Process to show their understandings gained and how they apply their knowledge, skills and understanding to solve an issue or to create an innovative item. This is then applied in the manufacture of a Product with each area having a Design School focus as the theme for their project. This could be The Bauhaus, Art Deco, de Stijl, Pop Art, Mackintosh, Maori etc.

Now you can view what they get up to each week by visiting www.ttec.school.nz 

You will see photos of our children and be able to read about what they have done each week. This will give you a good understanding of what happens at TTEC.