Dog Safety in Te Tahi
Jo Hamilton from Timaru District Council brought her dog Stevie to visit us and talk about how to be safe around dogs.
Students in Te Tahi met Stevie on Monday 10th August and talked about how we look after dogs and how to stay safe around dogs. Te Tahi children know that it is important to give dogs food and water and take them for walks. They also think we need to give them a warm place to sleep.
A lot of the students in Te Tahi have dogs at home and were confident when meeting Stevie. We learnt about the important things to do if we meet a dog for the first time:
1. Check it's sweet - before you meet!
2. To understand - they sniff your hand!
3. Chin or chest - that's the best!
If we meet a dog on the street that is not on a lead, we learnt that we shouldn't run up to them or run away. The best thing for us to do is to move quietly and slowly away. These are the safety tips that we learnt:
1. To meet a pup - ask a grown up!
2. If a dog has a snack - keep well back!
3. Keep your face - out of their space!
4. Don't run and shout - it freaks us out!
5. A dog's not a toy - don't tease or annoy!
6. Quiet and slow - that's the way to go!
Te Tahi loved seeing Stevie's tricks and getting to meet him in a safe way.