Nikki Geddis — Aug 23, 2020

Room 7 created a city using multiplication arrays.

We are learning all about multiplication in Room 7. We created multiplication houses and skyscrapers to show our understanding of arrays. 

We are also using equipment to make groups of to show a times table problem. We are playing fun games to help us learn our multiplication facts like Multiplication Squares and we are also practicing our times tables on the chrome books. We are singing along to some funny YouTube clips too. 

All these activities are helping us to learn our times tables.

Kortez: I like using the times tables website because you can learn different times tables. 

Jaxon: I like playing Multiplication Squares because it is fun and challenging.

Penny: I liked making the multiplication houses.

Phoebe: I like watching and singing the times tables songs.

Cooper and Dekan: We like filling in the multiplication wheels.