Bluestone School — Oct 24, 2023

Our school has moved to be a nut free school, effective Monday 30th October 2023

Bluestone School aims to provide a safe environment for students and staff with allergies by identifying and minimising risk, being prepared, and raising awareness. Allergies are common and can result in a range of reactions from mild to life-threatening. We support students with allergies to participate in the same educational and recreational activities as their peers. 

We have children within our school who currently have allergies to all nuts (Peanuts and Tree Nuts), some of which have life threatening reactions should they come into contact with nuts.

We have been strongly advised by medical professionals to update our policy to include all nuts for the safety of these children attending Bluestone School.

The Bluestone School Board would appreciate your help in keeping our students safe from a nut reaction by eliminating nuts from your children's lunch boxes.

This includes all items that contain nuts (I.e. peanut butter, nutella, some muesli bars, trail mixes and home baking etc.)

Please see our school docs policy around Allergies for the full policy.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation with this and keeping our tamariki safe.

Bluestone School Board