Hero photograph
Photo by Siobhan Wilsher

Clay bird construction in Room 7

Bluestone —

Mrs Wilsher has been working with the children of Room 7  to make wonderful clay birds, In the pictures below you can see the birds in different stages of construction right through to the painted up final product. Don't the birds look just wonderful!

These dear little birds are the culmination of many weeks of work. The children started with detailed drawings so they would have a good idea how birds are put together. Some of these drawings are now perched on the low fence outside the hall.

The clay birds were made in a single lesson one October afternoon. The were left to dry for three weeks, then loaded into the kiln. Once fired, we decided as a class to paint rather than glaze the birds so that we had more choice  with colour and texture. The birds were finished with a coat of varnish, and we are delighted with the results.

S Wilsher