Hero photograph
Photo by Rebecca Hamilton

High Flyer Happenings Term 2, 2022

Rebecca Hamilton —

Welcome back for our Autumn term. What a fun-filled and eventful term we have planned for our wonderful tamariki. Here are some important reminders and information about what the students will be learning this term.

Uniform requirements: with the Autumn weather we would appreciate students wearing appropriate warmer school uniform items please. Students are allowed long sleeve thermals under their regular uniform items. Polar fleeces and Bluestone jerseys are a must on the cooler days. Under jackets must be either a school jersey or polar fleece.

We begin the term concuding our Natural Disaster topic with students creating projects on a Natural Disaster. Then moving our curriculum focus away from Science to investigating Social Science with a focus on Matariki. So keep a look out for the awesome learning experiences that the teachers have planned.

Pr1me Maths Continues: as a team we are really excited to be implementing Pr1me Mathematics this term which is now being implemented at Bluestone from Years 3-8. This is based on Singapore Mathematics (one of the leading countries in Mathematics Education). There was a real buzz in the classes at the end of last term about this.

Structured Literacy lessons begin this term in the Senior Classes with an emphasis on Spelling and following 'The Code' By Liz Kane. Our students were tested on this last term and a spelling level for each student was determined. Students will delve more deeply into it this term. We are really excited to get this going in our Team.

Physical Education this term focuses on building stamina for the Senior Cross Country coming mid-term date TBC and for Swimming. Students will begin the term running around the block daily after wa whanau and will require appropriate footwear for this. Our Sport Start learning also continues with weekly move well lessons.

Homework in the High Flyers continues with a weekly homework sheet. Spelling words will be based on their Structured Literacy Code level. Students should be reading at night for 20 minutes, a book of their choice and practising their timestables so they are mastered by the end of the year. Other specific homework needs can negotiated with individual teachers through See saw.

Swimming for this term will be Thursdays and two Tuesdays in the  afternoons starting (week 3). A seperate letter has gone home via Seesaw with dates and days. The students will require togs and towel in a named bag please. This is funded by our Board of Trustees and is a compulsory part of our curriculum.

Our Senior Cross Country this year will be combined with Year 7/8 like last year with the date TBC. We will require parent help to support as Marshalls. Teachers will put a notice out through Seesaw about this closer to the time. 

Upcoming Camp in Term 4: We have our bi-annual camp to Woodend Christian Camp. Information will be out about this mid-term with payment plan options outlined. We will be attending altogether as we did in 2020. We are looking forward to this as it is always a highlight for students while in the High Flyers. Parent support is required for this. Our dates are 25th-27th October straight after Labour Weekend. Any initial queries about this can be directed to Rebecca Hamilton (Team Leader) rebeccah@bluestone.school.nz

We look forward to a fabulous term and wish to thank you for your on-going support.