Hero photograph
Photo by Bluestone School

Room 13 Egg-Sitting Challenge

Kay Hines —

Hopefully, the students will get an appreciation of the hard work you do as parents and caregivers.

As part of our Keeping Ourselves Safe programme, Room 13 students have become chief babysitters for an egg! Yes, an egg! They have had to create a bed and will take care of their egg for four days. If they want to leave their egg, they have to arrange for someone to look after it until they come back. Playtimes and lunchtimes have taken a bit of organisation! The aim of this activity is for children to learn to look after themselves and others - a theme that comes through the Keeping Ourselves Programme 

It would be wonderful to say that no eggs were hurt in the making of this article but the cameraman ended up with egg on his face. When asking  Lucy-Mae to move in to position for a photo, her egg fell to the floor, leaving everyone gasping in horror! Eggs-actly!