Bluestone School — Dec 17, 2015

Our senior students celebrated the end of their school year in style! We congratulate our students on a wonderful year at Bluestone.

We were amazed by the musical talents of our students as they entertained us throughout the night. We congratulate our students who were awarded Class Merit and Class Excellence Awards and we recognise those students who were awarded cups and trophies on the night:

Sophie Bennet (Dux and BOT Cup for Academic Achievement), Renee Kerr (Watlington Cultural Cup), Rhyan Mitchell (Special Prize), Samantha Shaw (Snelleksz Family Trophy), Max Perkin (Bluestone Values Cup), Isobel McKnight & Courtney McRobie (Principal's Cup for Leadership), Briana Grace & Connor Guthrie (Mark Bang Trophy for Values, and Citizenship), Jorjia Perkin (Redhead Trophy for values, effort and attitude), Robert Chapman (Services to the Library), Isobel McKnight and Jacob White (Girls & Boys Sports Trophies), Ravneet Krish Nand (John Barton Cup for Creativity in ICT), Renee Kerr & Isobel McKnight (WOW), Samuel Blades (Y7-8 Speech Trophy), Briana Grace (Year 5-6 Speech Cup), Laura Heron (Music Trophy), Rebecca Frame (Kapahaka Trophy)

Thanks to Vicky McKnight for her photos taken during the night. Click on the photos below to see for yourself!