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Disco Fever Fast Approaching!
Thank you to the Home and School for again supporting our tamariki with Discos. These are coming up in Week 8.
Students in Years 0-6 Te Tahi, Creative Creatures, Team Explorer and High Flyers can wear mufti to school on the 6th of September the day of their Disco.
The Think Tank students come to school in uniform as normal on the 7th of September as their disco is from 4-5.30pm.
Our Home and School Disco’s are as follows:
Te Tahi & Creative Creatures 1.15-2pm
Team Explorer 2-2.45pm
High Flyers 3-4pm
Thank you to the Home and School for also supporting the student organising group of the Think Tank Disco and providing funding to help decorate and provide refreshments.
We look forward to a couple of days of great fun for our tamariki.