Hero photograph
Photo by Sharlene Heaphy

Garden Club Beginnings.

Dakota Wylie and Emily Toomey —

Since we have started the garden club during 2019, with the support of Lorraine Bennett, we have planted many different plants including: -Feijoas , Mandarines , Strawberries , Blueberries , Chives and Broccoli.

During the end of Term 2 and beginning of Term 3 we have been exploring the native outdoors in our gardens at Bluestone, while experiencing and learning different things to do with the outdoor education of gardening. During this process we have been learning  about what plants to plant and during what season they are to be planted in. Our long term plan for the garden club is when all of the fruit and vegetables have grown to be able to sell them as a fundraiser or donate it to multiple food banks in Timaru. 

From the beginning of term students have been split into four even groups letting them  rotate every Friday after lunch. 

During the afternoon of gardening we would usually water and weed the gardens until they are ready to be pulled out or eaten so for the moment that is all we are doing. 

In the year 5/6 garden the decisions are still yet to be made on what they are to plant in their garden.