Hero photograph
Photo by Juliet Waud

Book Week!

Juliet Waud —

Book Week at Bluestone School!

In week 8 we celebrated book week.  On Tuesday we read Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell and had our own special delivery. It was a turtle. We decided it was not suitable for the classroom so we sent it back. The children wrote imaginative stories about different animals and whether they would keep them or send them back. 

On Wednesday we brought our favourite books from home and shared them with our buddies who also brought their favourite books to share with us. 

On Thursday we had a parcel delivered from the Queen. When we opened it we found an exquisite dress, fairy shoes, a wand, a crown and a sequinned cape. The children used this as their motivation for who they were going to dress up as and inspired great writing. 

During Discovery on Friday we did all things related to books such as puppets, dress ups, drama, music, building the three little pigs' houses and reading under covers with torches. It was a very successful week and we thank the families for their assistance.