Hero photograph
Photo by Bluestone School

Bluestone winners of the NZ Conservation Cup

Bluestone School —

We have just received word that we are the top performing Primary or Intermediate School in New Zealand when it comes to making savings in energy use!

Earlier this year we had an energy meter installed in our electricity line. This measures our energy usage every minute of the day. We can see graphs that detail usage including peak times. We can then see savings that can be made if we keep doors and windows closed if heat pumps are on, or what happens if we turn lights off in classrooms over lunchtimes. This encourages students and staff to be energy wise.

As a school we have plans to install solar panels and we are planning to convert our lighting to LED. These projects will lead to further savings so although we are proud to have been awarded the NZ wide Primary & Intermediate Schools' Conservation Cup we know we can do even better in the future. Our plan is to now encourage students to create a school wide set of expectations that will see greater ownership of our saving intentions. If everyone makes an effort even little actions can collectively result in significant savings.

Schools throughout NZ had their energy usage measured over a 4 week period and this was compared to baseline usage records to determine who had achieved the greatest reduction. Our win will see us receiving the cup and $2500 later this year in a special presentation.