First NZ Lego League
On Friday the 18th November, Breens Intermediate hosted the First Lego League. It involved a day of robotic challenges using lego where we competed against students from other schools.
Some comments from our students:
Jamie K- It's stressful waiting to have you turn.
Isaac C- We did have a small problem while we were practising; project 0 was all messed up but luckily we fixed the problem.
Joshua D - It is stressful waiting but fun while you are
Logan S - I was super stressed about whether or not we could do it
Kobe G - It was really fun coding and building Baboon (our robot). It is quite stressful because we didn't all know how to do everything. But in the end I know I'll have fun even if I don't win.
The most important part of the first lego league is to have GRACIOUS PROFESSIONALISM WOO!!!
Logan S - I was super stressed about whether or not we could do it!
Isaac C- The judges and organisers would say gracious professionalism all the time and we had to pat our laps twice then say woo.
Isaac C - The practice sessions would pass really quickly and they were only 10 minute slots.
Isaac C - The Innovation Project is basically to write pages and pages of writing and to come up with a large problem to do with a certain area; last year it was cargo and this year it is about energy.
Mirabai G - It’s an enjoyable experience, that’s for sure. I’d recommend it to anyone who likes teamwork and just a good time. You get to show off your creation, (the robots) we’ve worked so hard to prepare for this, (not to mention we did in our own time) and that in itself is awesome! It’s definitely a bit chaotic and busy, - but that just makes you remember it even more! It can be quite stressful though, so don’t forget that and prepare yourself if you're thinking of doing it next year.
George DC - We figured out a way of doing two activities per project by using the arrow keys.
Benjamin B - Doing the code is definitely fun but when you run the code it sometimes doesn't work. It matters where you place the robot on the board because otherwise the robot might miss the things it's meant to do.
Isaac C - The placement of the robot is very critical; 1 cm in the wrong place and the entire project gets messed up.