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by Nikki Clarke

From the principal's desk

Nikki Clarke - August 12, 2021

Mēnā, ka whakapono koe, ka tūtuki koe If you can believe it, you can achieve it!

Congratulations to Lucy and Corban (pictured above).    I was delighted to award both Lucy and Corban with their GOLD BEST badges recently.    Lucy's BEST work about cake decorating was to an exceptionally high standard.  Her innovate task was about cake design for a specific brief and she clearly has a real talent in design and baking!   Corban's BEST work was in the area of music, specifically guitar.    His innovate task was a clever creation using garage band, imovie, youtube and a variety of instruments.   He clearly has a very bright future ahead in music!

Congratulations also to the Breakers basketball team for their win against Cobham A.  The team are looking strong ahead of the upcoming CAIMS basketball tournament!

The school enjoyed a fantastic performance recently by the CGHS and CGHS combined orchestra and Jazz Band.    Many thanks to Michael Langdon (HOD Music @ CGHS) for including Breens in their music road show.   Our children really enjoyed the interactive and interesting nature of the varied performances!

The recent Netsafe parent information night at Breens was well received.  It will be repeated next week at Cobham Intermediate School.  I encourage you to head along and attend this 45 minute session of handy hints for parent of pre-teens.    Netsafe has a wonderful collection of resources to help us parents navigate the challenges of supporting our children in the online world.    

Switch on Safety: If you have children who are attending school in New Zealand, you can use Switch on Safety. This is a free safety filter created by Network for Learning (which provides the filtering for 99% of NZ schools) and the Ministry of Education.

It blocks access to a range of websites known to be unsafe and inappropriate for learning (including adult websites and scam websites). You can find instructions on their website for how to install this.

How to create an online safety plan

You can also contact the helpline for assistance.


  • Call toll-free on 0508 NETSAFE (0508 638 723)
  • Email
  • Complete an online contact form
  • Text ‘Netsafe’ to 4282

Our new technology, science and art rooms are looking great!   The teachers are busy planning the set up and fit out of those spaces.   We are looking forward to moving across to Auaha early in term four, with the demolition of the existing building likely to take place later in the same term.

A reminder about enrolments for 2022.   The closing date for enrolments is August 31. 

I hope to see some of you at the PTA Quiz Night on Saturday night.   Thank you to the PTA for their work on this project, we are looking forward to a fun night!

Ngā mihi nui
