Hero photograph
Photo by Haley Taylor

Code Club - Term 2

Haley Taylor —

This term we have made a start with our code club after school on Tuesdays. This term we are looking at block coding and are creating platformer games to enter in the Rubber Duck Awards.

In our first lesson the students rolled dice to help them to decided on the setting, characters and objectives of their games.

Image by: Haley Taylor

Once the students knew what they were going to include in their game we started to learn about the Gamefroot platform.

Students then started to create their games and follow the tutorials to code their characters, backgrounds and start/end screens.

Image by: Haley Taylor
Image by: Haley Taylor

We are looking forward to seeing how these games end up and will have an afternoon where parents can come in to play the students games.

Ngā mihi

Haley Taylor and Jullian Josland