Haley Taylor — Mar 11, 2021

Are you interested in Javascript, Python and Robotics ?

This year the Breens Intermediate School Code Club is on Tuesday after school from 3.15 - 4.30pm in the Digitech Room. We have 18 students attending Code Club with room for 20. Both year 7 and 8 students are able to attend.

This term the focus is Python coding and the students have been working on RPG games, variables and conditions. In term 2 we will be making platformer games using the Gamefroot interface to share our ideas and stories. Term 3 will be a hands on robotics coding activity.

We are also planning a trip to the University of Canterbury for our students to see the Drone Lab, and check out the Game Design course that looks at augmented reality and design.

If you are interested in joining Code Club please send Mrs Taylor an email - haley.taylor@breens.school.nz 

Image by: Haley Taylor

Image by: Haley Taylor