Hero photograph
Photo by Nikki Clarke

Rhythmic Gymnastics Competition

Nikki Clarke —

This year six Breens girls competed in the Primary School Rhythmic Competition at Olympic Gymnastics Centre. 

We had one year seven competitor who entered ribbon and 7 year 8 competitors who entered rope. We were all new to rhythmic gymnastics as we were competing in the Year 7 & 8 Novice competition. 

We trained for about six weeks to prepare for the competition. Then when the day arrived we all were very nervous but excited for what was about to come. We were all very proud to gain places of 2nd, 3rd, 5th , 6th 7th and 8th.   We were very excited about the day!     Thank you to our coach Miss Wilkinson who worked with us in preparation for the competition.

Iris and Frances, Hīrere Team