Hero photograph
Photo by Nikki Clarke

Tough Kids Challenge 2022

Nikki Clarke —

On Wednesday 7 December our whole school headed out to South Brighton domain to complete the Sport Canterbury Tough Kids Challenge! Here is Alex's account.

  3..2..1…… BRRRRRR GO as I ran I felt the blood pumping through my veins. As I reached my first set of obstacles, simple but crowded, I climbed over a mattress staircase and then went to the MOUNTAIN OF TIRES , I jumped around the sides dodging falling tires. The next obstacle was a bottleneck of kids at the inflatable mountain I climbed up one side and jumped down the other flying through the air and landed on top of the tunnel. Next up it was a James Bond obstacle but instead of lasers it was rope, on this obstacle I learnt to stay close to the walls and go under not over. The next obstacle was an awful mud run that smelled awful which I found out when I was covered in it. The running in the mud for the rest of the course was lovely NOT!

The next obstacle was just running through mud water. After that the final obstacle was a HUGE SLIP AND SLIDE. This was such a fun day and being able to do it with my friends was awesome. 

Alex S - Māpuna team