Hero photograph
Photo by Nikki Clarke

Learning @ Breens

Breens Intermediate —

At Breens we strive for every child to be the BEST they can be. We pride ourselves on our curriculum being rich and responsive, where we focus on teaching the individual at the point of challenge.

Our staff understand and are skilled at meeting the needs of pre-adolescent children. Breens has talented teachers and new specialist facilities that support a curriculum designed to meet your child's learning needs.

The flexible learning spaces support important homeroom time as well as opportunities to collaborate across classes.

We have recently completed a school wide rebuild and have created purposeful, flexible learning spaces with modern fittings/furnishings and infrastructure.

Our teachers work in a collaborative model where they teach using their strengths as a close knit team, adopting a relentless approach to ensuring children are meeting with success and their learning styles are being identified and catered for.

Students spend the majority of their time in the mornings engaged in learning that is rich in literacy and mathematics. The teaching is structured, targeted and intensive with a mix of individual, small group learning and whole class learning.

Inquiry learning around a broad topic of interest is infused through the weekly “Ako” and through homeclass workshops. This is delivered in a mix of directed, guided and self directed learning.

A flexible timetable and weekly plan allows for further opportunities for children to extend themselves and to pursue Tōtara Mai learning.

Physical Education, The Arts and Languages are taught within teams utilizing the strengths of our very talented staff.

Children spend 2.5 hours a week in Auaha, working with specialist teachers in food technology, art, science, design, digital technology and workshop.

Fridays at Breens are rich in opportunities for children to be extended and to pursue an area of interest. BEST badges are offered through the Friday E&E programme.