Hero photograph
Photo by Rebekah McLeod

Yr 5/6 Triathlon

Mishae Va'a —

Last week on Thursday the 11th of March the triathlon had been postponed to this day, all the bikes had been lined up nicely and all Koru’s were dressed in their sports uniform.

Around 9:20am whoever decided to take part in the competition this year were sent out with their gear, if it was just your water bottle or your tog bag you had to take it out to the court. We sorted out the teams to make them all groups of 3’s so everyone could participate if they had signed up in the first place.

After Mrs Baker sorted out the teams we went out and if you were doing the triathlon by yourself you were to line up with your bikes in cypress garden as their race was going to start first. After the individuals had competed it was the mixed groups and the boys groups.

The girls groups were last and Briana was the biker in my group and by the time she had finished she was coming 3rd as there were 2 other girls already jumping into the pool by the time I had gotten there. When I jumped in the pool the water wasn’t freezing cold or extremely hot it was kinda in the middle of both temperatures.

By the time that I got out of the pool it was super hard to run all the way back to the starting line where Taya was waiting to be tagged, it was hard because I had just swam 4 laps of our school pool and by the time I reached Taya who was my groups runner I was super tired.

By the time that Taya had ran her 2 laps of Cypress garden we all ran together down the finish line and I was super happy/tired still from when I had Swam the 4 laps from before. I am also really, really proud of my triathlon group and how they did really well.

I loved doing the triathlon this year and last year we were all in the same group like this year and we also won the girls competition and this year we redeemed our win. I love doing triathlon as I love to participate in most of the activities that I have the opportunity to take part in. I would have loved to do the same next year but unfortunately this is my last year at Bromley School.