Hero photograph
Photo by Rebekah McLeod

A Word from the Principal

Scot Kinley —

Kia Ora, Talofa, Welcome

Well done everyone, we have successfully completed week 1.

I am very pleased with the atmosphere around the school and the positive attitude among the children to their learning.

I read recently of a study in a top university where the highest scoring graduates were given their final exams one month after graduation. All of them failed.

The conclusion they reached is that when you attempt to cram knowledge into your mind it seldom gets past the short-term memory.

The take away for me from this study is the need to be lifelong learners. For the need to repeat and relearn skills and not just think,” Well you knew that last week. How could you have possibly forgotten!!!”

When we as parents and teachers understand that, it makes our job’s a little less stressful.

As a school we have been looking at our tamariki’s writing and focussing particularly on sentence structure.

There will be a lot of revisiting basic sentence structures and rules to help us in this area.

In general the creative topic ideas for writing from the children are great, but the finished product needs some attention.

Rather than just teaching once and moving on there will be considerable reteaching and focus until this vital part of literacy is committed to long term memory and not forgotten a week or two later.

Enjoy the beautiful weather

Kia pai tō rā have a nice day