Hero photograph
Photo by Rebekah McLeod

A Word from the Principal

Scot Kinley —

Newsletter June 18th

Kia Ora, Talofa Lava, Welcome.

This Sunday is the 21st of June and that's the shortest day of the year, so it's all looking good from then on with longer days ahead. The 18 degree days did trick me a bit but the following days have brought me back to reality.

There is still a bit of firewood available at the back of the school if anyone is interested. If so please see me to coordinate a time to collect it.

You may have heard on the news about the reminders to parents to be aware of where their children are on the roads after and before school as there have been cases of children being approached on their way from school in the Wainoni area.

Please reinforce safe practices with your child as we as a school regularly do.

We are looking forward to the open nights next week when you will get an opportunity to visit classes and talk to your child's teacher. Please look out for the information about these.


Scot Kinley