Hero photograph
Photo by Rebekah McLeod

Free programmes for Tamariki

Shikira Van Der Lem —


WISE-UP is an eight-session life skills programme for 8-10 year olds. It supports children to recognise feelings and emotions, and explore new and different ways of dealing with these. Children also learn about themselves, what makes them special as well as building confidence while focusing on personal strengths. Runs EVERY TERM in different schools and community venues around Christchurch.

Contact Rowena on rowenad@mmsi.org.nz


Footsteps to Feeling Safe is an educational programme for children who have experienced family violence. The 9-week programme is designed to help children work through the impacts of family violence and also learn a range of strategies to keep themselves safe. Barnardos offer both small group and individual programmes designed to suit children and young people aged between 5-17 years.

Contact Barnardos on 0800 227 627


Seasons for Growth is an innovative grief and loss education programme using the imagery of the seasons to illustrate the experience of grief. It aims to strengthen the social and emotional wellbeing of children and young people who are dealing with significant life changes such as death, divorce, separation, family breakdown and other changes. It does this by exploring the impact and loss on every-day life, and by teaching new ways to respond to these changes. Young people learn that they are not alone in dealing with the effects of change, loss and grief, and build their communication, decision-making and problem-solving skills within a peer support group.

Contact Catholic Social Services on 03 3790012.


A group programme for children that builds resilience and helps them face life and its challenges. Young people today are experiencing change at a pace far more rapid then previous generations. The travelers programme aims to support 9-12 year olds who may be experiencing issues that they may be finding challenging and stressful. The primary focus is to enhance connectedness and support young people to explore the changes they are experiencing and to develop ways to navigate their journey in a safe and adaptive way.

Contact Catholic Social Services on 03 3790012.