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Bring Your Own Apple iPad Option 2021

Tim Kunowski —

Dear Parents / Caregivers,

If your child is in Year 3-6 next year, they have the option to bring their own iPad to school in 2021. Bromley School is recognised as an Apple Distinguished School for educational excellence with digital technology and we see great opportunities for our students in this area. Children owning their own device can give them more possibilities for sharing and engaging with their families about what they are doing at school, as well as extending themselves at home.

We understand that due to cost and living situations, this option is not suitable for every family. There is no obligation. School-owned devices are still available for all of our students to use during school hours.

If you feel like this might be a good option for you and your child, please feel free to pick up an information pack from the school office. We recommend an Apple iPad running iOS 14 or later, with more modern iPad models potentially having greater functionality in the long-term. More information is available in the information pack, including a list of required apps and a use agreement that must be signed by a parent or caregiver before an iPad can be brought to school.

You may like to visit the Noel Leeming or PB Technologies website to see their latest iPad BYOD deals. There are of course many other retailers you could investigate.