A Word from the Principal
Kia Ora, Talofa Lava, Welcome.
We have multiple plans on different scenarios for how Covid could affect us with potential student and staff absences but it's certainly a day by day, fluid situation at the moment.
On Monday we started the day with 125 absences but with a few late comers we settled on 116 away. Tuesday was slightly better at 107 absent.
Please let us know if your child is away as our office staff are spending all morning following up children who are not at school.
There are a number of families isolating and also people who may not be household contacts but certainly are close contacts.
Should case numbers continue to rise we will not be telling parents each time there is a case in the class. The feeling is that we adopt the attitude that there are many cases across the school and we all proceed with caution.
It could also be a bit depressing to keep getting emails telling you we have another case.
If we do decide to stop reporting each time a case is identified we will let you know we are stopping informing you and we revert to updating case numbers on a weekly basis.
We are currently still letting families know if there is a case in their class.
There may also need to be some reorganisation of classes should staff start to need to isolate. We will inform you of these changes but they may have to be made on the day even, so you may be advised after the fact.
As you hopefully know there are no plans to close the school unless we cannot staff it and therefore operate safely or there is an extreme outbreak and both situations are unlikely.
There may also be a time for groups to move to online learning should we have difficulty staffing that area
Other than that. It is very quiet and calm at school so that's positive.
The feeling is that this term will be very mucky but hopefully we will see some normality in Term 2.
Noho ora mai
Stay well/ take care of yourselves
Scot Kinley