Hero photograph
Photo by Liz Rhodes

Kia Ora and Welcome

Liz Rhodes —

Kia Ora and welcome to Brooklyn School. We are an urban full primary school (Year 0–8) situated up on the hill in the heart of Wellington. We are proud to be able to share our wonderful school with you.

We are a supportive school community, committed to ensuring that all children in our care experience the very best start to their schooling career.

Our mission statement captures our approach to learning: Mauria te taki – Take Up the Challenge – “We will promote life-long learning and enable all our students to reach their full potential by providing high-quality teaching and learning opportunities; relevant learning experiences; a safe and supportive learning environment; and fostering positive attitudes to learning”.

It is our goal to nurture children for their unique strengths and talents at Brooklyn School.

We approach students believing that 'one size does not fit all' and we aim to meet individual learning needs. This approach can be seen in everything we do, whether it is how we teach in classrooms, the opportunities children have to learn in a wide range of learning opportunities, extension/enrichment for gifted and talented pupils and strong remedial programmes for those needing targeted support, or parent run club/teams and electives.

As a community we value strong partnerships with our stakeholders. At Brooklyn School you can expect to find a warm welcome and sense of belonging. At Brooklyn School we believe in ‘taking up the challenge’ and we are proud of the staff who constantly challenge themselves to provide the best possible learning for our students. They are professional, talented, reflective and caring.

Brooklyn School children are enthusiastic, funny, sensitive, caring, smart and talented. We are excited each day by their potential and are committed to do everything we can to ensure this flourishes.

​We invite you to enjoy our website and visit us soon.

Liz Rhodes