Brooklyn School Office — May 25, 2023

Principal Awards are given out at our school assemblies each fortnight to students showing our School Values.

Image by: Brooklyn School Office

Tūī Syndicate

Tūī Tahi:   Clodagh G

For always being kind, caring and considerate as well as having beautiful manners.

Tūī Rua:  Rocky T

For being a kind member of the Tui Rua and for trying his best with his learning.

Tūī Toru:  Ellie M

For always completing all your learning to an excellent standard. You are an amazing leaner. Ka pai!

Tūī Whā:  Tessa J

He whetu koe! For showing whanaungatanga! YOu are always so cheerful and you make everyone feel welcome in Tui Wha

Tūī Rima:  Sara G

For working hard on her cardboard city. And trying her bst all term, when things got tricky.

Tūī Ono: Blake E

For being a kind and thoughtful person in Tui Ono and for great work with numbers and letters.


Kiwi Syndicate

Roroa: Franklin A

For all your mahi during pangarau(maths) time. We love how you share your maths thinking and all your confidence to show your workings. Ka pa :)

Roroa: Benji C

For your work ethic during maths and literacy. You try your best when things are difficult and you ask for help when you need it. We are proud of you!

Pukupuku: Frances K

For showing such enthusiasm towards your learning during Inquiry. You demonstrate a real sense of belonging when working in your groups too. keep up the good work Frances!

Pukupuku: Harper B

For being a wonderful, caring friend and conscientious classmate.


Takahē Syndicate

Huihui:  Ollie S

For bringing such a positive vibe to Huihui and having an awesome attitude to your learning! Ka mau te wehi!

Huihui: Walter T

For stepping up to challenges and never giving up if things get tough! You're awesome. Ka pai!

Takurua: Ollie D

For bringing a sense of calmness and maturity to all your learning. What a total star!!

Takurua: Lola B

For being a all round polite and caring learner. We love having you in our kura.

Takurua: Leo W

For making improved choices in your learning that shows new maturity. Keep up the good mahi!!


Moa Syndicate

Daniel M

For working so hard to complete all of your work before the end of the term. Great work!

Caden P P

For his incredible focus and determination during Science Fair. You worked so hard Caden and we are so impressed and proud of you. Ka pai to mahi! 

Jonty W

Foe the ph

Maile M

For doiNg such an amazing job on your science fair project! I am so proud of your work ethic Maile! Ka rawe