Hero photograph
Photo by Kimberley Hobson

COVID Orange Level

Andrew Kemp —

Information about what COVID Orange Level will look like at Broomfield School.

Tena koutou e ngā whānau o te kura.

Following on from both staff and BOT’s consultation, the Broomfield School BOT’s requests that Broomfield School continues to promote the use of masks at school during class-time in Tī Kōuka, Mātai and Nīkau classes to help reduce the COVID virus and seasonal flu spread and protect tamariki and kaiako. Schools have been advised, that at Orange Level, masks remain an important tool to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and public health strongly encourages their continued use. MASKS ARE ENCOURAGED TO BE WORN. A review of this decision will be made at the end of Week 4 Term 2 and/ or earlier if required due to unforeseen positive or negative changes. Staff and students Year 4 and above (12 year olds and older are required to wear masks) will also be encouraged to wear masks on our school buses until further notice.

As you will be aware, the measures that we have previously put in place are to help keep both our students and staff safe. We will continue to discourage parents, caregivers and whānau from coming on-site both before and after school unless it is absolutely necessary. If you do require a meeting with your child’s classroom teacher, please make contact with the teacher and organise a suitable time outside of school hours. Please remember, we encourage all adults who come onto the Broomfield School site to sign in at the school office and wear a mask when entering any of our school buildings.

School assemblies will begin in week 2 of the term and further information will follow regarding the running of this school community event.

We look forward to a positive and safe start in Term 2 next Monday and seeing all of our tamariki return well rested to begin another term of fun-filled teaching and learning.

Ahiahi pai

Andrew Kemp
