Kimberley Hobson — May 17, 2021

How we are spending our Friday afternoons! Thank you to our amazing adult volunteers.


The young knitters have been very busy making pompom animals and learning a range of new knitting skills. Our adult helpers have been very impressed with the talent shown so far!

Skateboard and Scooter Jump Building

A range of junior and senior jumps have been built for use at morning tea and lunchtimes, they are already proving very popular!

Cooking Club

During 'Paddock to Plate' in week 2 our group made apple shortbread. Ali brought a wonderful recipe and Ms. Richards donated lovely large cooking apples from her tree. While the shortbread was baking in the oven we visited the apple trees in our orchard. Last week (week 3) we made a sweet date and orange rind scones and savoury scones using herbs, capsicum and kale from the garden. Having harvested all the potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, corn, and tomatoes this autumn, the school garden has been out to bed now for the winter. Our block of cooking continues this week. Thanks to Ali Lunn for all her time and culinary expertise.

Ukulele with Mr. Hobson

Exposing students to musical instruments and musical theory. Students have been learning about notes, chords, tuning, and chord progressions.

Painted Tiles

Mrs. Croft is painting tiles with a group of 12. After studying a variety of tiles from around the world, the children have chosen their designs and have drawn them onto their tiles. Some children are onto painting already and are loving the challenge of painting onto a different medium. We are all looking forward to seeing the final products!