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Bucklands Beach Primary School


Welcome Kōrero

Carole Crompton - February 16, 2023

Welcome back to the new school year, and a particularly warm welcome to the new students and their families who have joined our school community this year. Also a happy Chinese New Year - this year is the Year of the Rabbit. The Rabbit is the symbol of longevity, peace and prosperity in Chinese culture

We have had a challenging start to the school year with floods and then a cyclone. Our thoughts are with those in other parts of the country who have suffered through this extreme weather and are continuing to be affected. As a school community, we would like to support other communities in need at this time. Next Wednesday 22 February we will be having a non-uniform day to support the communities worst affected by the recent cyclone. We will be having discussions about the importance of helping others in need, and being grateful and appreciative of what we often take for granted, e.g. power, food, shelter, clothing, and our families. 

Students are asked to bring a coin for a special coin trail at school. Families are also encouraged to donate to the Red Cross, who are working to support those in need.

Our Road Patrollers for 2023 are off to a great start, They have had additional training with Constable Bullent this year and are working hard to help keep our tamariki safe crossing the roads before and after school. It may take a little longer to cross at the pedestrian crossings, yet it is the safest. Please set a positive example to all our students by using the safe places to cross the roads. This also sets your children up to cross safely in the future when they are not with you as they grow up and cross the roads by themselves. 

Image by: BBPS

We are very fortunate to have a school swimming pool at Bucklands Beach Primary School. As we are also surrounded by so many beaches, it is vital that our students become confident and capable around water. This is a life skill that is hugely important, and the devastating drowning toll that we have had in New Zealand over this summer is a sobering reminder of how important it is to learn water safety skills. As part of our physical education programme, all classes have swimming lessons at school, where they will be supported in becoming safe and confident in and near the water. It is extremely important that they bring their swimming togs and towels on all their swimming days to make the most of this amazing resource we have in our school grounds, as this is an important part of our curriculum.

A huge thank you to the group of parent volunteers, led by Hayley Lowe, who kept our school pool open and safe for the community over the summer break. As well as Hayley, there are a few families in particular who should be acknowledged for doing a great deal of the work; Steve and Lucinda Harding, David Wallace and the Adlers.

SWIMMING — Image by: Sue Uden

Last year the students in Room 3 with Mrs Chilvers planted and grew potatoes. These matured over the summer break, and this year’s Room 3 students have harvested the fabulous potato crop. They have used skills across the curriculum, including a lot of maths learning. The class peeled and cut the potatoes into chips and cooked delicious hot chips for morning tea.

CHIPS — Image by: BBPS

CHIPS — Image by: BBPS

Communication is really important to us, and we encourage you to save our school parent calendar, BBPS calendar, as well as enabling notifications on Hero. Please see our article on communication methods. Class teachers send notices and information out through Hero each week.

We are all very excited to be back and are looking forward to a happy and successful year.