Hero photograph
Photo by Pauline Jansen

Rangatiratanga | Student Leadership

Burnham School —

Ko te amorangi ki mua, ko te hāpai ō ki muri | For leadership there must be support.

We develop leadership in all students at Burnham School by providing the following student leadership opportunities.

  1. Student Leadership Council – The Student Leadership Council meets each week and undertake a range of exciting and important activities that make a difference for our school.
  2. Physical Activity Leaders (PAL) – this is for our Year 5/6 students who are trained at facilitating sport activities at lunch times.
  3. Peer Mediators - these students are trained at Year 5/6 support our students in the playground with fair play and peer guidance.
  4. Librarians - our Year 7 & 8 librarians run our school library during lunchtimes, assisting students with book selection and issuing books.
  5. Enviro-Rangers – this group take responsibility for maintaining and developing our vegetable garden and the orchard. They also manage our school-wide recycling and composting systems.
  6. Tuakana Teina – this is where older students are encouraged to support younger and is part of our curriculum. Examples of this include buddy classes, senior students supporting new entrants and during co-operative activities and field trips.