Helen Fitzsimmons — Jun 7, 2020

Because nobody knows what will happen to borders domestically and overseas.... see below

Typically a large proportion of our International students travel home between Terms Two and Three, and nearly all students will go home for Christmas to then return in late January to continue their studies. During these uncertain times we are cautioning all of our students and parents to reconsider typical travel plans. We understand that going home to see family and friends is incredibly important but as we have seen, first-hand, a trip home for the holidays can mean the inability to return to New Zealand due to border restrictions and flight availability. We therefore ask that parents give careful consideration to holiday plans. The inability to re-enter New Zealand could have a dramatic effect on student study plans and we do not wish that upon any of our students.

Some families have already decided that it will be best for their children to remain in New Zealand over the Christmas period to avoid getting caught up in potential border restrictions and closures.

For Host families, can you discuss with you student whether they have spoken to their parents about this.  

Even if your student is in their last year at Burnside High and are intending to go to a University  next year they might need to think seriously about leaving New Zealand.

If the intent is for students to remain in New Zealand over Christmas we ask that the International Department be advised of these plans.

 Should you have questions about extending the homestay period,  please get in touch with Helen Fitzsimmons at the following address fth@burnside.school.nz