Mrs S Pooch — Aug 19, 2018

Students were selected to participate in this valuable conference run by April McLennan and the Limitless Trust. Check out how Limitless implements change in the attachment.

Twenty-five of our Year 10 students attended the three day Limitless Conference at La Vida Conference Centre. The three days of speakers and workshops helped students to identify their strengths and look at ways to use them. More than 100 students from around Canterbury attended the Conference.  

The duration of the three days themselves were slightly shorter than the previous two day conferences but more  challenging speakers were included. The extra content added for the additional time was mainly based around "What this Means" ; focusing on translating the self-awareness around values, strengths and passions, into discussions about what this might mean for  day to day life, and next steps from the conference with a focus on career pathway. This content was fully rooted in the context of where students are at in terms of school/like stage experience, and the decisions they will have to make in the next couple of years. 

The students delved into topics such as strengths and values, as well as spending more time in workshops with more interactive content.