Hero photograph
Photo by Stacey Boyle

French department 2021

Stacey Boyle —

If we can’t go to Paris, we will go to Akaroa !

2021 saw the birth of our first French Maori Immersion Camp to Akaroa . The year 12/13 French and Maori classes enjoyed three days of language, history and culture staying at Onuku Marae. We were welcomed with a moving powhiri and settled into our home for three days.

Activities included sharing projects the students had prepared on the French and Maori settlers in the region, a walk up Onawe Peninsula and learning about the history of Te Ruparaha, a visit to the local museum, an amazing race around Akaroa, a cuisine competition judged by the teachers( of course) a visit to the Giant’s house and a visit to the Okains Bay Museum.

Much aroha and un grand merci to Amber Glodsworthy, Tania Gilchrist , Marc Mckee and our lovely students who helped create the first of many bi-cultural immersion camps.

Immersion Day :

Years 11,12 and13 French students attended French Immersion Day at University of Canterbury on July 11. They joined many other Canterbury schools and enjoyed a day of French activities and classes to help prepare them for NCEA examinations.

Delf examination :

Ten French students sat an International French examination on October 30th. They spent term two and three attending extra tutorials to prepare for this prestigious examination. All their hard work was rewarded with excellent results. A special mention to Shanika YU and Kseniia Vasylevska in year 13 who achieved 80% in B2 which is equivalent to University level French.

Félicitations les élèves !

La maison des crêpes

A favourite with the French students, our traditional Au Revoir lunch was held at La Maison des Crepes. Most of our year 13 students are moving on to tertiary study in NZ while Shanika YU and Hana Pashang are hoping to study in Paris and Germany.
Bonne chance et bonne rentrée