Ms A Middelkoop — Nov 4, 2018

This year, 10 students have been awarded their Award at Bronze Level and 9 have been awarded at Silver Level with many more about to complete these levels and move onto the next.

 These Awards display significant achievement for the students involved as they demonstrate continuous commitment towards the different sections. All students must take part in a Physical Activity, a Skill and must give Service to others in the school or wider community.

In addition to this, (and often the most memorable part), students learn the skills needed to tramp in the outdoors safely and take part in overnight trips to some of the most scenic parts of New Zealand. For many students at Bronze Level this is their first time tramping, camping in tents and cooking their own food in the outdoors. As they progress through the Award they become proficient trampers, learning organisational and leadership skills, care for the environment and perseverance.

Six students are now working towards their Gold Award, the largest group of Gold students we have had in many years. Most have recently completed their Adventurous Journey section and now need to complete 52 weeks towards each of the other areas and take part in a Residential Project. I am looking forward to going to their Gold Award Ceremonies in the future, where the Governor General presents each recipient with their Award. This year it was a privilege to attend the Gold Ceremony for Melissa Bayley who achieved her Award at the end of 2017.

Many thanks go to Andrew Smythe and his team of volunteer instructors from Bushworks.NZ for running the Adventurous Journey part of the Award, and to all the assessors of the other activities that the students participate in.