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 Fencing Club
Photo by Burnside High School

Fencing Club

Burnside High School —

Fencing at Burnside this year has been an incredible journey.

The club is continuing to grow quickly, with more and more people joining our Burnside High School Fencing family. Our weekly sessions in the dance hall have been full of fun, friendship building, and a healthy dose of exercise, with every member finding their own version of success, whether it's mastering another parry, meeting new people, or beating an older brother or sister on the piste we have had it all!!

Despite Covid, we have managed to have a number of social and competitive competitions, with Burnside Fencers showing their school pride, coming out in large numbers to support each other in both our individual competitions and cheering each other on during teams events. Lachlan Row 13SFK has been a truly amazing club captain and leader for the last 12 months and has been a massive part in the success of the club over the last few years.

Fencing has been a truly enjoyable social environment for all those involved and everyone has made so many amazing friends over the year. We look forward to welcoming our 2022 captains Alyssa Holton 12SGLA and Lauren Mauger 12NLOD as they take the reins to lead the club next year and into a new era for the club.

Sheldon Olgivie