Ms Harrison — Dec 5, 2017

Twenty years ago a younger Chris Boje wrote to the then Principal, John Godfrey, applying for a long term relieving job in the English Department at Burnside High School.

 Chris had experience in acting and was passionate about writing, both of which he was to share with his students in his English classes. Students enjoyed “Mr Boje’s” classes as he built up positive relationships with both students and colleagues over the years.

 In an early observation a quote from a student was noted down: “everyone gets on and likes to learn”. This sums up his twin success as a teacher - creating a warm atmosphere and imparting an enjoyment of learning to young people.

 Chris has contributed in many ways to the wider life of the school. He directed major school productions - one year it was the edgy “Daughters of Heaven”. At other times he oversaw Stage Challenge groups, and the Shakespeare Festival. He has been a key personality in fostering a collegial environment in the staff room, notably in various staff bands. 

Chris has tried to manage his love of teaching with its ever increasing workload, alongside his passion for writing by taking leave at key times during those twenty years. He has now found the perfect balance in day relief teaching which enables him to share his love of learning but allows time to follow his other path as well. He has resigned from his full-time position but we are pleased that we will be able to enjoy his convivial company at morning tea when he is in at school, and pleased for Chris that he now has the time to devote to other pursuits. 

He is a very good example of the school’s motto: “Recte Sic Dirige Cursum” : “Thus direct thy path aright” as he has created a pathway for himself where he is able to use his talent and expertise. 

So - twenty years, five Principals and who knows how many essays marked after that first letter - Chris is still contributing to the Burnside family. We thank him for his years of service and wish him all the best.