PTA Newsletter September 2020
PTA Funding Projects 2020_ Round 1
At the last PTA meeting in July we considered all funding applications and decided which to fund this year.
PTA donations received are allocated back to school activities via two funding rounds each year. These applications are prepared by members of the school faculty on behalf of the students and teachers. The PTA reviews these applications and allocates the funds to those school projects which meet our funding criteria which focus on promoting and supporting school activities and groups. PTA funds come from the voluntary annual PTA donation that appears on your school invoice. Remember this donation is tax-deductible.
The PTA does not undertake any other fundraising so we really appreciate your contribution.
Please find below the funding projects 2020 _ Round 1
Uniform Shop
Thank you, to all current volunteers, we really appreciate your help!
Our uniform shop "open days" at the end of the year are fast approaching and to make these successful we require extra helpers for this period. You don’t need to have any particular experience just be able to guide parents and students with purchasing uniform. The shop will be open for extra hours in December and January with dates to be confirmed early in term 4.
If you can help please feel free to contact: Carmen Nolan
Student help is also welcomed and we will be contacting the Senior Deans later in the year for helpers.
Uniform to Sell: If you would like to sell your uniform you can take it to the Student Office and fill out a form with your details. Uniform must be current and in good, clean condition. The PTA will take a commission of 20% plus any dry cleaning/repair costs.
Next PTA Meeting
Our next PTA meeting will be a Funding Meeting on Monday 23rd November at 7.30 in the staffroom.
Speaker: To be confirmed
Current PTA Executive:
Chairperson: Rick Blackburn
Treasurer: Tonia Konstantinopoulou
Uniform shop Coordinator: Carmen Nolan
Secretary: Shanthini Govindasamy
Correspondence & Funding Liaison: Chrisa Pipilaki