Burnside High School — Nov 24, 2019

Read on for all the sports awards from 2019...

Service to Sport


  • Greg Kiddney 13KGR
  • Krishant Kumar 13KGR
  • Rebecca Sies 13RES


  • Ashley Farrell 11SKRA
  • Grace Thomson 11SMR
  • Finn McLachlan 12NMD
  • Thomas Anderson 12SMG
  • Anna Kenworthy 12WWN
  • Kyle Gullery 13CHL
  • Daniel Roswell 13OLK
  • Brigit Kwell 13PZS
  • Cameron Clark 13WUP


  • Charles Sham 13LLL


  • Sila Morris 12NRSS
  • Althea Torres 12NRYE
  • Bridie Thompson 12NSYA
  • Rallen Lazo 12SHGR
  • Dafa Sun 13CHL

Canoe Polo

  • Angus Seal 12SCTH
  • Felix Backhouse 13SRT

Cross Country

  • Dafydd Spratt 11NMS
  • Thomas James 12SDMJ


  • Thomas James 12SDMJ
  • Thomas Anderson 12SMG


  • Max Shanks 13GVK


  • Charlotte James 13CHL
  • Jacob Stark 13WAJ


  • Avery Bower 12SHGR
  • Thais Munoz 12SWB
  • Mustafa Rafyee 13JJN
  • Lily Fisher 13JRD
  • Luke Aldridge 13PZS


  • Rebecca Owens 11NDS
  • Matthew Wilson 11NLRS
  • Kelly Newlands 11NTE
  • Becky Coulson 11SKNG
  • Samantha Gibson 11WAN
  • William Shand 11WSM
  • Luke Macleod 11WWL
  • Freyja Marshall 11WWL
  • Paris Hawthorne 12NRSS
  • Ella McLeod 12WTA
  • Ella Te Aho 12WTA
  • Kieran Gilmore 13BKC
  • Joshua Lobb 13WAJ

Ice Hockey

  • Kyle Swift 11WPP
  • Quinn Mannix 13YGA

Road Race

  • Dafydd Spratt 11NMS
  • Grace Thomson 11SMR
  • Thomas James 12SDMJ
  • Thomas Anderson 12SMG
  • Corban Straker 12SMG
  • Daniel Roswell 13OLK
  • Cameron Clark 13WUP


  • Alexandria Landon-Lane 12NHW
  • Theodoros Giannakogiorgos 12NRYE
  • Sophie Rowland 12NSYA
  • Sharni Ross 12WTA
  • Sam Brown 13JJN


  • Jamie Lester 12WWN


  • Finn McLachlan 12NMD
  • Liam Morrison 12NRYE


  • Ocean Faloon-Cavander 11SKRA
  • Thomas James 12SDMJ


  • Will Mason 11NTE
  • Rosa Samuelu 12NPLC
  • Oscar Nicholson 12SDMJ
  • Nathma Kalubovilage Don 12SMPP
  • Tatiana Gibbs 13CUC
  • Michaela James 13CUC
  • Romance Heurea 13JJN
  • Harrison Camm 13SRT


  • Becky Coulson 11SKNG
  • Freyja Marshall 11WWL


  • Tom Giddens 11NMR
  • Darius Porter 11SDES
  • Peter Nichols 12SHGR
  • Sam Lyu 12WRD
  • Baileigh O'Sullivan 12WTA
  • Ben Wilding 13BKC
  • James Criglington 13KGR
  • Brayan Kamminga 13KNC
  • Alice Hammond 13TKB


  • Max Aldridge 12SMPP
  • Leonard Brockerhoff 13PZS
  • Robert Pryor 13SFK


  • Abigail Goldsmith 12WBX
  • Ella Downing 13JJN


  • Toby Barker-McMillan 13SFK

Water Polo

  • Ben Wilding 13BKC
  • Brayan Kamminga 13KNC
  • Amelia MacDonald 13SFK
  • Alice Hammond 13TKB
  • Zoe Bampton 13WAJ

Achievement in Sport


  • Vincent Chen 11NMR
  • Eliza Meekings 12WSU
  • Isabella Pickering 13PZS
  • Cameron Clark 13WUP


  • Ellena Firth 12SHGR
  • Tatiana Gibbs 13CUC

Cross Country

  • Grace Thomson 11SMR
  • Thomas Anderson 12SMG
  • Corban Straker 12SMG
  • Daniel Roswell 13OLK
  • Cameron Clark 13WUP


  • Emily Smith 12WTA


  • Mia Porteous 12NMD
  • Abbie Taylor 12NMD
  • Ethan Santich 12WSU

Service & Achievement in Sport


  • Calib Bone 11WSM
  • Eliza Meekings 12WSU


  • Lavina Chan 12NRYE
  • Dylan Chan 13TKB

Cross Country

  • Grace Thomson 11SMR
  • Thomas Anderson 12SMG
  • Corban Straker 12SMG
  • Daniel Roswell 13OLK
  • Cameron Clark 13WUP


  • Erin Downie 13OLK
  • Sami Donnelly 13SFK


  • Ellena Firth 12SHGR
  • Claudia Wilson 12SMPP
  • Jennifer Merkin 12WLJJ
  • Junghwi Jo 13GVK


  • Amy Weng 11NMS
  • Hayato Miya 12SDMJ


  • Grace Song 11SPHC
  • Abbie Taylor 12NMD


  • Payton Anderson 12WWN
  • Hayden Cox 13JJN

Ice Hockey

  • Alyssa Murphy 11NTE
  • Nathan van Slooten 13KNC
  • Jack Swift 13OYL


  • Maddi Fagan 11WMN

Table Tennis

  • Zak McKellar 12NHW
  • Sang-Yong Park 12NHW
  • Dan Jefferies 12SWB
  • Jiayi Zhou 12WTA
  • Avon Liu 13SRT

Water Polo

  • Darius Porter 11SDES
  • Thomas Bainbridge 12WBX


  • Riley Thompson 12NSYA
  • Helena Morris 12SCTH
  • Gemma Rowe 12WTA
  • Tayla Mackie 13SFK


The Tucker Trophy

  • Rebecca Sies 13RES


Girls Intermediate Athletic Championship
Field - The Burnside High School Cup

  • Anna Kenworthy 12WWN

Girls Intermediate Athletic Championship
Track - The Duncan Cup

  • Ashley Farrell 11SKRA

Girls Senior Athletic Championship
Field - The Steele Cup

  • Brigit Kwell 13PZS

Girls Senior Athletic Championship
Track - The Pilgrim Cup

  • Eliza Meekings 12WSU

Boys Intermediate Athletic Championship
Field - The AAA Cup

  • Bradlee Lang 11WMN

Boys Intermediate Athletic Championship
Track - The Hitchon Cup

  • Ocean Faloon-Cavander 11SKRA

Boys Senior Athletic Championship
Field - The Withers Cup

  • Ali Mohammadi 13SFK

Boys Senior Athletic Championship
Track - The McMillan Trophy

  • Daniel Roswell 13OLK

Service to Athletics
The Clyde Family Cup

  • Daniel Roswell 13OLK


Girls Badminton
The Mary Taylor Cup

  • Lavina Chan 12NRYE

Boys Badminton
The Scott Cup

  • Dylan Chan 13TKB


Most Improved Player Girls Basketball
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Tahlia Perham 11WAN

Best Defensive Player Girls Basketball
The Paul McFarlin Trophy

  • Aylish Kyle 12SMPP

Most Valuable Player Girls Basketball
The Longley-Cummack Trophy

  • Sila Morris 12NRSS
  • Bridie Thompson 12NSYA

Most Improved Player Boys Basketball
The Alan Clothier Memorial Cup

  • Oscar Nicholson 12SDMJ

Best Defensive Player Boys Basketball
The McFarlin Trophy

  • Bronson Lee 13SFK

Team Spirit within Boys Basketball
The Joe Hammond Cup

  • Hugh Dishington 13JJN

Most Valuable Player Boys Basketball
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Dafa Sun 13CHL

Cross Country

Girls Intermediate Cross Country Championship
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Becky Coulson 11SKNG

Boys Intermediate Cross Country Championship
The Pearce Cup

  • Ocean Faloon-Cavander 11SKRA

Boys Senior Cross Country Championship
The Bourke Cup

  • Daniel Roswell 13OLK

Canoe Polo

Services To Canoe Polo
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Felix Backhouse 13SRT


Cricket Bat for Outstanding Performance
Boys 1st XI Cricket

  • Joshua Suzana 13KJJ

Outstanding Bowling Performance by a Senior Student
Boys 1st XI Cricket - Burnside High School Trophy

  • John Cowley 11SBUC


Girls Cycling
The Mein Smith Cup

  • Erin Downie 13OLK

Boys Cycling
The L C Bishop Cup

  • Thomas James 12SDMJ

Excellence & Perseverance - Track/Road Cycling & Mountain Biking
The Nigel Donnelly Trophy

  • Sami Donnelly 13SFK

Contribution to Cycling
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Erin Downie 13OLK


Service to Equestrian
The Carnmore Cup

  • Jorja Dann 10WWI
  • Max Shanks 13GVK


Boys Fencing
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Alexander Holton 12SMG

Girls Fencing
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Charlotte James 13CHL

Outstanding Contribution To Fencing
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Charlotte James 13CHL


Most Improved Player Girls Football 1st XI
The Burnside AFC Cup

  • Avery Bower 12SHGR

General Excellence In Girls Football 1st XI
The Christopher Beckwith Memorial Cup

  • Jennifer Merkin 12WLJJ

Players' Player of the Year Girls Football 1st XI
The Keer Keer Trophy

  • Lily Fisher 13JRD

Most Improved Player Boys Football 1st XI
The Zeff Cup

  • Keito Matsumoto 13WUP

Outstanding Contribution To Boys Football 1st XI
The Adam Fisher Trophy

  • Mustafa Rafyee 13JJN
  • Luke Aldridge 13PZS

General Excellence In Boys Football 1st XI
The Canterbury Soccer Supporters Club Cup

  • Dylan Bennett 13JRD

Players' Player of the Year Boys Football 1st XI
The Bull & Williams Cup

  • Dylan Bennett 13JRD


Most Worthy Golf Player
The Petrie Cup

  • Amy Weng 11NMS

Senior Golf Champion
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Hayato Miya 12SDMJ


Champion Open Rhythmic Gymnast
Burnside High School Trophy

  • Paris Chin 10WWI


Contribution To Girls 1st XI Hockey
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Paris Hawthorne 12NRSS
  • Ella Te Aho 12WTA

Player of the Year Girls 1st XI Hockey
The Treleaven Cup

  • Payton Anderson 12WWN

Players' Player of the Tournament
Anderson Cup

  • Rebecca Owens 11NDS

Best Defending Player Boys 1st XI Hockey
The Christeller Trophy

  • Joshua Lobb 13WAJ

Best Attacking Player Boys 1st XI Hockey
The Team 2006 Trophy

  • Hayden Cox 13JJN

Most Coachable Player Boys First XI Hockey
The Coster Trophy

  • Malek Connor 10NBTN

Player of the Year Boys 1st XI Hockey
The Harewood-Burnside Hockey Club Cup

  • Emil Collins 13KJJ


Most Valuable Player Korfball
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Rallen Lazo 12SHGR
  • Brooke Williams 13JRD


Greatest Contribution To Netball
The Coventry Cup

  • Haley Grimes 12WLJJ

Excellence In Netball
The Henderson-Wright Cup

  • Brooke Williams 13JRD


Girls Rowing
The Lisa Pursey Memorial Cup

  • Sharni Ross 12WTA

Boys Rowing
The Bell-Willetts Cup

  • Theodoros Giannakogiorgos 12NRYE


Shooting (Pistol)
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Jamie Lester 12WWN


Girls Skiing
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Victoria Ding 9SCRJ

Boys Skiing
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Finn McLachlan 12NMD


The S A Robinson Cup

  • Ocean Faloon-Cavander 11SKRA


Softball Top Batter Senior Girls
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Michaela James 13CUC

Softball Top Fielder Senior Girls
The Burnside High School Glove

  • Maddi Fagan 11WMN

Most Valuable Player Girls Softball
The Burnside Softball Club Trophy

  • Tatiana Gibbs 13CUC

Softball Top Fielder Senior Boys
The Burnside High School Glove

  • Kush Desai 11SKNG

Most Valuable Player Boys Softball
The Burnside Softball Club Trophy

  • Nathma Kalubovilage Don 12SMPP


Girls Squash
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Becky Coulson 11SKNG

Boys Squash
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Addison Po 9WCKC
  • James O'Keefe 9WRIC


Year Eleven Girls Swimming Championship
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Jasmin Kamminga 11WAN

Year Twelve Girls Swimming Championship
The Ross Family Cup

  • Baileigh O'Sullivan 12WTA

Senior Girls Swimming Championship
The Linda Robert Cup

  • Amelia MacDonald 13SFK

Year Eleven Boys Swimming Championship
The G R Rough Cup

  • Darius Porter 11SDES

Year Twelve Boys Swimming Championship
The Ross Family Cup

  • Sam Lyu 12WRD

Senior Boys Swimming Championship
The Cliff Cup

  • Brayan Kamminga 13KNC

Table Tennis

Contribution to Girls Table Tennis
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Jiayi Zhou 12WTA

Contribution to Boys Table Tennis
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Sang-Yong Park 12NHW

Most Valuable Player Table Tennis
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Sang-Yong Park 12NHW


Girls Open Tennis Singles Champion
The Joy Goodchap Cup

  • Alana Liu 11SMD

Girls Open Tennis Doubles Champions
The Sue Hargreaves Cup

  • Becky Coulson 11SKNG
  • Juliette Ma 11WWL

Boys Open Tennis Singles Champion
The Leck Cup

  • Max Aldridge 12SMPP

Boys Open Tennis Doubles Champions
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Yuki Yoshiyasu 11WWL
  • Leonard Brockerhoff 13PZS


Most Promising Player Girls Touch
The Munro Cup

  • Abigail Goldsmith 12WBX

Most Valuable Player Girls Touch
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Gemma Rowe 12WTA


Champion Open Trampolinist
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Tori Peters 12NSYA


Tri-Athlete Of The Year
Tri Sports Cup

  • Thomas James 12SDMJ


Excellence In Girls Volleyball
The Ryburn Trophy

  • Mia Porteous 12NMD

Excellence in Boys Volleyball
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Ethan Santich 12WSU

Contribution To Volleyball
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Toby Barker-McMillan 13SFK

Most Worthy Volleyball Player
The Gary Fuller Cup

  • Payton Anderson 12WWN

Outstanding Volleyball Player
The Snell Cup

  • Taylah Holdem 10WDN

Water Polo

Most Valuable Player Girls Water Polo
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Zoe Bampton 13WAJ

Most Valuable Player Boys Water Polo
The Burnside High School Cup

  • Darius Porter 11SDES
  • Thomas Bainbridge 12WBX

Services To Water Polo
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Thomas Bainbridge 12WBX

Special Awards

Team of the Year
The Burnside High School Shield

  • Sang-Yong Park 12NHW
  • Jiayi Zhou 12WTA
  • Avon Liu 13SRT

New Zealand Roll Of Honour

  • NZ 14 & Under Tennis Diego Quispe-Kim 9SODR
  • NZ Womens U18 Ice Hockey Sophie Jefferies 10SBD
  • NZ Girls U17 Beach Volleyball Taylah Holdem 10WDN
  • NZ Girls U17 Volleyball Taylah Holdem 10WDN
  • NZ Junior Rhythmic Gymnastics Paris Chin 10WWI
  • NZ Junior Rhythmic Gymnastics Hana Gray 10WWI
  • NZ Womens U18 Ice Hockey Alyssa Murphy 11NTE
  • NZ Junior Rhythmic Gymnastics Nicole Taylor 11NTE
  • NZ Secondary Schools Water Polo Darius Porter 11SDES
  • NZ Junior Rhythmic Gymnastics Grace Song 11SPHC
  • NZ Girls U16 Sprint Kayaking Madison Garrett 11WWL
  • NZ U18 Table Tennis Sang-Yong Park 12NHW
  • NZ Junior Golf Hayato Miya 12SDMJ
  • NZ Secondary School Girls U19 Football Ellena Firth 12SHGR
  • NZ U21 Korfball Rallen Lazo 12SHGR
  • NZ Secondary School Girls U16 Football Claudia Wilson 12SMPP
  • NZ Womens U17 Football Claudia Wilson 12SMPP
  • NZ Secondary School Girls U17 Football Jennifer Merkin 12WLJJ
  • NZ U18 Table Tennis Jiayi Zhou 12WTA
  • NZ Secondary School Girls U19 Football Junghwi Jo 13GVK
  • NZ Mens U18 Hockey Hayden Cox 13JJN
  • NZ Mens U20 Ice Hockey Nathan van Slooten 13KNC
  • NZ Junior Track Cycling Erin Downie 13OLK
  • NZ Mens U18 Ice Hockey Jack Swift 13OYL
  • NZ Junior Track Cycling Sami Donnelly 13SFK

NZ Secondary Schools Champion

  • NZSS Athletics Title and Record 2018 - Boys U16 Pole Vault Cameron Hewitt 11NMC
  • NZSS Table Tennis Champion Team Sang-Yong Park 12NHW
  • NZSS Table Tennis Champion Individual Girls U19 Jiayi Zhou 12WTA
  • NZSS Table Tennis Champion Team Jiayi Zhou 12WTA
  • NZSS Table Tennis Champion Team Avon Liu 13SRT

Contribution to Sport
The Burnside High School Trophy

  • Haley Grimes 12WLJJ

Sportswoman Of The Year
The Christine Clothier Cup

  • Ellena Firth 12SHGR

Sportsman Of The Year
The James Bradley Cup

  • Sang-Yong Park 12NHW

Outstanding Achievement in Sport
The Burnside High School Principal's Cup

  • Sami Donnelly 13SFK