Miss K Oliver — Sep 18, 2018

Drama Club is a place for our young and enthusiastic aspiring actors and actresses to come together and work on their confidence, character development, and overall acting skills either individually or in small groups.

This group of Year 9 and 10 students was run by a group of very keen Year 13 leaders every Friday lunchtime between Term 1 and 3 in M4. At the end of Term 2 we started working towards small group performances based on the stories of Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes which were shown by our brave students to an audience of parents/caregivers, family, and friends in Term 3 on the 23rd of August. Each of these expressed humour and individuality and we’re all so proud. The process involved long rehearsal hours which required everybody to learn to compromise and be reliable, but by the end of the performances, every second we’d put into them was undeniably worth it and the smiles on the faces of the students were priceless. 

We’d like to thank everybody involved; the leaders for giving up their spare time to work with these kids between busy schedules and hefty workloads, the eager students who worked incredibly hard together to be the best they could be even under time pressure, and the drama teachers for allowing us to have this experience and keeping us on the right track. Although the Year 13’s involved this year won’t be here next year, the legacy will continue.