Quake City
During Term 3 the Year 11 Geography cohort have been studying Extreme Natural Events in preparation for the NCEA external assessment.
Early in the term students experienced a field trip to Quake City. This is a Canterbury Museum exhibit situated on the corner of Durham St North and Armagh St in the Christchurch CBD.
'Quake City charts the aftermaths of the 4 September 2010 and 22 February 2011 earthquakes and the extraordinary response of the emergency services, international rescue teams, the thousands of volunteers who pitched in to help – construction workers, the Student Volunteer Army, the Farmy Army – and the incredible resilience of Canterbury’s communities'. Canterbury Museum.
Here we were guided through this very authentic , 'hands on' and informative display. Students were able to extend their knowledge on the natural processes that caused the earthquakes along with considering the impacts on people and the environment. This material will be applied as a case study in the November written examination.