Equestrian ~Dressage Interschools~
On September the 7th, four students from Burnside High School competed at the Interschools dressage event.
This is one of the four Interschool events that are scattered throughout the year for horse riders. The team consisted of Jorja Dann (year 11) and Robbie Cochrane (year 10) riding at level 2, and Natasha Frost (year 12) and Luci Shanks (year 10) riding at level one.
It was an extremely tough event with 27 other incredible skilled teams to compete against. Individually we got a few results with Jorja getting a 3rd in the rider 1 class, and Natasha getting an 8th in the rider 4 class. Whilst as a team we did not place in the top 3, all four riders were happy with themselves and their horses for a fun, rewarding day.
Jorja Dann