Sally Stanley-Boden — Apr 13, 2021

Cupcakes get students composing.

Generally we actively discourage eating in the Library but Poetry Day in March was an exception.  The Librarians baked up a storm during the weekend and on Monday we had a wonderful array of cupcakes for students to sample.  All they had to do to earn a cupcake (and points for their Division) was bring in a couplet.

Of course, so many students said, "I can't write poetry."  But a bit of encouragement and the lure of baked goodies got the creative juices running.  We had lots of rhyming lines that would have been good limerick starters, of course, but also many very thoughtful offerings.

My particular favourite was from a classic 'I can't do this' student who was enthusiastically encouraged by others around the desk.  "Just start with something simple like Roses are red" suggested his friend.  Eventually they came up with - 

Roses are red, violets are not blue
They are actually violet, learn your colours, Dude!

Here are some of the couplets written by students:

Sucking on a nectarine
Sour, yet so saccharine - Evangalynn

If you believe in circular flow
and that government spending helps the economy grow
Or that minimum wage helps those who are low
Then there is little about economics that you know - Oliver

They always complained she was on her phone
But she smirked, she felt she was on her throne - Jhetro

I bathe in the glorious sun’s rays
Enjoying the light of the new day - Isaac

The morning blooms quite elegantly with a soft blushing sky
But I stay unknowing at rest, eyelids on both sleepy eyes - Zoe

Anime Girl
Your silver straight hair and violet eye
But you’re 2D, I have to say ‘Goodbye.’ - Mana

Once I enter the peaceful library
All I see are different realities.