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Hockey Girls 1st XI
Photo by Photolife

Hockey - Girls 1st XI

Tracy Taylor —

After losing over half of our team after the 2021 season, we had many new recruits join the team this year.

With such a new team, we moved from the Friday night SSP grade into the Wednesday night SSL grade, so we were playing teams more at our level. We had a few wins and a few losses throughout the Christchurch season but improved immensely in time for the top NZ Secondary Schools' Girls Hockey tournament; Federation Cup.

The girls had a tough time at Fed Cup in Napier this year as we didn’t manage to get a win throughout the tournament. We got extremely close to winning multiple games with our largest losing margin over the whole tournament being only two points. Despite not getting the results that we wanted, we all had a fun time away together, especially the older girls who hadn’t gone to Fed Cup since 2019 due to Covid-19.

Huge shoutouts to our coaches, Anna Wetherall and Gemma Sweeney, and to Monica Richards our Manager at tournament, for being such amazing and supportive coaches and managers this season!

All the best girls for your futures with Hockey at Burnside High.

Charlotte Lambie