Sally-Ann Goodman — Dec 11, 2023

Tālofa lava, Mālō e lelei, Kia orana, Tālofa, Ni Sa Bula Vinaka, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Mālō ni and warm Tagata o le Moana greetings

On Thursday, December 5, 2023 we held our annual Fiafia night. A celebration of achievement, contribution, commitment and sporting success. The evening is predominantly run by our 2023 Pasifika Leaders including, Dilkee Nanayakkara, Ema Mokotupu, Annabel Williams, Meleane Aranui Tuitupou-Kutu, and To’a Raeli. They did an outstanding job and they kept the flow of the evening going. We again had a large number of the family attend the celebration with approximately 320 people at the event, thank you for the support and it is fantastic to see the family supporting their children. It was a fantastic opportunity for the Pasifika community at school to get to know our new principal, Mr Scott Haines and he opened with a Principal's welcome, which was well received.

Several dances were choreographed for the evening with a focus being on the Year leavers dancing for their last time at Burnside High School. The dancing was accompanied by part of the Pasifika parent's band. We all enjoyed an array of Pasifika food and this was well prepared by our staff, students and families - thank you so much.

The year 9 and 10 awards were read by Annabel William and presented by Mrs Julie Kleinpaste, the Pasifika Co-Ordinator.

The year 11 and 12 awards were read by Dilkee Nanayakkara and presented by Mr Darryn Findlay, Deputy Principal of North Division.

We were very lucky to have Melissa Lama come and speak to us as our 2023 guest speaker. She in a short period gave us a glimpse into her life, and her achievements despite adversity and portrayed a vision of success for all. It is hoped that Melissa will return to work with us next year in our weekly fanau session held each Friday.

As always we recognise the new and upcoming Pasifika Leaders for 2024, however, some leaders will be named next year when further leadership opportunities arise.

On an evening filled with enthusiasm and achievement, a sad moment in announcing the retirement of Mrs Kleinpaste, from the Pasifika Coordinator role, which she has held for the last 7 years. A kind-hearted and caring person who will be greatly missed in all things Pasifika moving forward.

The Year 13 prize winners and Leavers were acknowledged by Mr Alan Robertson, Deputy Principal Te Huinga Wai Senior Division, and presented by Mr Haines. Our leavers were represented with a vaka and a citation carefully detailed by Mr Robertson to give the audience an indication of where the students are headed in 2024.

Our 2023 prize winners for The Burnside High School Cup - Pasifika Academic Achievement and The Burnside High School Cup - Pasifika Service went to the following very well-deserving students:

Dilkee Nanayakkara - The Burnside High School Cup - Pasifika Academic Achievement

Tavita Faalafi - The Burnside High School Cup - Pasifika Service

Meleane Aranui Tuitupou-Kutu performed a traditional Tongan dance and

Nancye Kologeto closed us out with the ending prayer.

Fa’afetai lava