Hero photograph
Photo by Jon Land

Learning to Lead

Jon Land —

The Burnside Leaders have enjoyed two presentations this term from staff who have demonstrated significant leadership in their chosen field.

Mr Ryburn spoke of the demands of sports coaching at a national level and Ms Papageorgiou described her leadership and development of the highly successful dance programme at Burnside High School. We hope that such discussions will help our Burnside Leaders in Year9-11 on their own personal journeys. 

We are very grateful to those students who have chosen to offer their services to the school and we feel sure that they will reap the benefits of their work. It is noticeable that in both tertiary education and the world of work service to others and leadership are key skills that are in great demand from educators and employers. 

Leadership in the junior school and Year 11 also lead into significant opportunities for students as they reach Year 12 and 13. Divisional Prefects, Student Support Prefects, Academic Leaders and indeed Head Boy and Girl are all potential goals for or Burnside Leaders group. We wish them the very best in their work.