Young Learners get the opportunity to come to High School early!
Burnside High School had the opportunity to host Year 5 to 7 students from our Kahui Ako for a day in early December.
The Waimairi-iri Kahui Ako ran the Experience Waimairi-iri Day for students from our Burnside High School contributing schools. We had the opportunity to work with our Year 5 to 7 talented and passionate learners. This was an excellent opportunity for students who demonstrate talent in the specific learning areas on offer.
The subject areas available to choose from in the morning were Mathematics, Dance, Art and English and in the afternoon students chose from Science, Physical Education, Languages, Social Science, Business and Technology (Game Design).
Students were able to immerse themselves in two areas of learning they were passionate about (or some students attended just the morning or afternoon session). The students were able to experience extended learning and benefit from the specialist environments and teachers that Burnside High School had to offer the learners.
The enthusiasm of the young students was amazing. They were ably sorted by Junior Leaders and our Burnside High School Faculty members who volunteered their time and energy.