Katerina Papageorgiou — Sep 3, 2019

Three teams competed this year making Burnside High School proud.

The Drama department has been proudly running Theatresports every year, and each year teams of Senior and Junior students compete against other schools in Terms 3 and 4. Theatresports is an Improvisation competition created by The Court Theatre and it helps students develop valuable life skills such as quick thinking among others. 

On the weekend of 7th and 8th September Rangi Ruru College hosted the Senior Competition. Three Senior teams from Burnside High school competed in three separate heats. During the weekend there were four heats and the winners from each heat would compete at the Final in late September. Although we didn't reach the final, the experience was invaluable and the students had an unforgettable time. They were praised for their inclusive and supportive attitude and received great feedback for next year. 

Later that week, one of our Senior team was invited back to attend a special skills workshop with the Artistic Director of the Court Jesters on Sunday 22nd, two hours before the big final.  Well done to Molly McGinn, Kieran King, Rain Waitere Roper and Franki Tellick. From this workshop the director selected four students from different schools and created a 'scratch team' that was invited to compete at the final! Congratulations to Franki Tellick who was selected to compete at the final as part of the scratch team. This year it was a South Island final, not only a Canterbury final and the competition was tough!

Well done to all Seniors for the amazing spirit and performance. 

The Junior competition is in early November when two teams will compete.