Hero photograph
2019 World Scholars Cup Team at the competition. 2020 New Challenges on line!!!!
Photo by Sandra Pooch

Burnside Students still challenge themselves in lockdown!!!

Sandra Pooch —

Cool stuff is happening in student bubbles.

The theme for the 2020 World Scholars Cup is "A World Renewed ". 

Appropriate for these challenging times.

In the absence of events in person the World Scholars Cup students led by Blaithan Altenburg 12NMRR and the other Senior Students has been busy. There are now 40 members of this club from Year 9 to 13. We have teams participating and competing in the Online World Scholars Cup Round and World Scholars Cup Couch Camp 2020.

We have 33 students competing in the Australian Mathematics Trust Computational and Algorithmic Competition on line in their bubbles on Wednesday 29 April.

We have 9 junior students who are starting the 4 week Australian Mathematics Trust Maths Challenge. This involves 6 'big" questions that will need around 16 to 20 hours work.

The Model United Nations students are also involved in an online Model UN run out of Tauranga.

And they are doing this alongside their normal school work!!!